
‘Chip Cloud Project’ is a singer/songwriter Rock Band.
By me: David Liphshitz-Liron
My music is influenced by Classic Rock & Prog.
I am a History/technology/science buff and a creative thinker.
Writes lyrics & compose music. Plays keyboards & guitars. Produce Music.
Musical biography
- Since an early age, I loved music and learned to play, by myself, some guitar and keyboards. Especially, I loved (still do) British rock. Started with the Beatles and continued with progressive rock bands.
- At the end of primary school I started listening to Pink Floyd.
- Luckily, at high-school class, I met a classically trained pianist and a member at a progressive rock band influenced by progressive rock band YES. He introduced me to Genesis & YES. I began to write songs during senior high-school years. And recorded some songs demos with Rivlin.
- Today, my musical taste expanded to include Blues, R&B, Classical music est.
- At the beginning of 2012, I lost his job at a startup company, and decided to take up some free time, instead of jumping into the next job opportunity.
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